Friday, October 30, 2020

Great Books on Pandemics: Non-Fiction Edition

The Books With Laurie 
Pandemic Reading List
Non-Fiction Edition!

By Laurie Allee
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Let's Be Real...

As we head into our 9th month of the global Covid-19 pandemic, it's hard not to feel overwhelmed and hopeless.  Is this ever going to end?  Will life ever go back to any recognizable kind of normal?  Will we ever be able to see our friends in person? Go to a theatre?  Stop disinfecting packages?  

"History doesn't repeat itself" Mark Twain reportedly once said, "but it often rhymes."  Although the Covid-19 pandemic feels uniquely awful, we don't have to look too far back to see that it resembles other disease outbreaks from our not-too-distant history.  Over the last few months I've tortured myself   read some interesting books about past epidemics, how people dealt with them, and what we (supposedly) learned from them.  I can't say that these books make me feel better about our current global crisis, but they point toward hope, and offer insight into the profound resilience of the human spirit.   

With that, I give you my Great Pandemic Reads, Non-Fiction Edition: