New Age/New Thought

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The Secret is just silly.   Find the real power of your intentions...

You've heard of New Age, but what is New Thought?  In a nutshell: it's the early 20th Century spiritual movement that insisted thoughts are causative.  Read that era's Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill  and see if it doesn't change your approach to achieving your goals -- even if only offering a metaphorical shift of perspective.  Read Mitch Horowitz's fabulous recent take on the subject The Miracle Club for a thoughtful analysis  without the usual get-rich-quick schemes or mindless affirmations.  (Mitch is definitely the thinking person's New Thought guy, and I love all of his books.)  One bit of unsolicited advice: stay away from most modern "Law of Attraction" books and explore the early 20th Century authors, instead.

I have included my favorite New Thought and New Age books below, because life just gets curiouser and curiouser and there are so many  rabbit holes to explore...

Be sure to also check out my Gnostic/NeoPlatonic/Hermetic section and my Magic section.